Protect bala Falls for the benefit of Ontarians not the enrichment of private corporations

Jeff Mole has dedicated a lot of time and energy into the study of what government can do to help protect the Bala Falls.

I am neither for nor against development of the Bala Falls. I oppose the current development because there is no benefit to the community. It makes no sense to offer a $100 million opportunity to a wealthy investor from Toronto.

The process is flawed as it allows an absentee developer to force their will on an "unwilling host" community. I believe that there is a safer and less disruptive alternative. We need a better process to engage the community to consider all options including the "No Hydro Plant" option.

Norm Miller turned his back on this community

If I am elected, I will immediately demand that the province seek an injunction to halt work pending a review of the proponents Environmental Assessment (EA). I will call on the government to revoke approval based on significant differences from what was stated in the EA submitted by the proponent.

I will recommend that the Feed-in Tariff offer not be extended when it expires.

This is more than Norm Miller has done in 10 years.

Please support my campaign and make a donation.